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"Earn That Body Podcast" with Kim Eagle
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"Earn That Body Podcast" with Kim Eagle

Author: Kim Eagle

Subscribed: 1,492Played: 5,274


The Earn That Body Podcast is here to give you fitness, nutrition and health information you can put into play right away.
386 Episodes
In this episode, we dive into why calorie counting isn't the be-all and end-all for health and weight management. Instead of stressing over every calorie, it's time to shift your focus. We'll break down how to balance your meals, ditch diet fads, and make real food work for your body—without the endless numbers game!
Let's dive into something that might surprise and inspire you! This week, we’re exploring how baseball could be the key to getting back on track with your health goals. Curious? I'll explain how a baseball player's strategy for overcoming a hitting slump can offer valuable insights into revitalizing your approach to nutrition and workouts. Don’t miss this game-changing episode!
#367 Strong Bones

#367 Strong Bones


In this week's episode, we're diving into a topic that’s crucial for your long-term health—bone health. As we age, maintaining strong bones becomes more important than ever, but it can be challenging, especially if high-impact exercises aren't an option. We will do the deep dive into the best exercises for keeping your bones strong, discuss whether walking in Zone 2 is enough to support bone health, and give you practical tips to protect your bones for years to come.
In this episode of the Earn That Body Podcast, we explore 'The Skinny on Skinny' and why being skinny should no longer be the focus as we LIVE. Discover the top three reasons why an obsession with thinness can be harmful, and learn what you should focus on instead for a healthier, stronger, and more vibrant life.
In this episode, I share my journey of building muscle in my 50s. Over the past four months, I've revamped my workout routine and nutrition, yielding impressive results. Tune in to learn the four strategies that transformed my body and could work for you too!
#364 Ask Me Anything!

#364 Ask Me Anything!


In this week's Podcast Episode...YOU asked ME the questions! We cover everything from 'How to Fix Loose Skin', 'Macro Changes in Peri-Menopause', 'Hydrogen Water' and more! Find out if YOUR question got answered!
Welcome to this episode of "Order THIS not THAT for Summer"! Today, we're diving into the best healthier options you can order during the sunny season. From refreshing salads to guilt-free treats, we've got you covered with tips and alternatives to make smarter choices. Tune in to learn how to enjoy your favorite summer meals while staying on track with your health goals. Let's make this summer your healthiest yet!
In this episode, we'll explore three powerful triggers that are helping people reclaim their health and manage their weight effectively. It's incredible to witness the transformative impact these triggers can have, often leading to remarkable changes overnight! Tune in to hear inspiring stories of individuals who have regained control of their lives. Their journeys might just motivate you to take charge of your own health and well-being too!
Ever feel like your relationship with food isn't the healthiest? Maybe you find yourself slipping back into restrictive eating habits, thinking calories are the enemy. Or perhaps you turn to sugar for comfort during tough times. It’s time to transform that relationship by appreciating where your food comes from and starting a garden. You might be surprised at how little space you need to get started! -- Check out my Garden Website: Check out my Garden Youtube: Check out the Vertical Garden Planter: Get 5% off when you use discount code “GROWAHEALTHYGARDEN” Let me know if you get one & I can help you with details on how to plant in it!
Want to stay fit & healthy over summer without overwhelm? In this week's podcast episode I do the deep dive into what you can shift for your workouts & nutrition this summer (all simple & effective) to enjoy your season without sabotage.
Encore Part 2! Hopefully you listened to last week's episode. If not, go back and check it out. This is PART 2 with your NUTRITION TIPS to staying FIT/HEALTHY. All new episode coming back next week!
ENCORE EPISODE! Sometimes it is a simple reminder episode that keeps you from going off the rails with your nutrition. I thought this might come at a perfect time for summer. Enjoy!
We often want to to go for a HARD workout when we feel a lot of stress! But did you know that your workout might be making your stress worse? Find out in this week's Earn That Body Podcast episode the workout that HELPS ALLEVIATE STRESS more than anything.
If you are going to take the time to show up for a workout, you might as well MAXIMIZE the benefits! Did you know that there are things you can actually do to get a better workout with even better results? This week we do the deep dive on this very topic! Don't just show up and workout anymore team...get the BEST results possible!
Let's do the deep dive about PRE & PRObiotics! They definitely play an important role in our gut biome. So, let's find out the best way to get these in our body & if supplements are the way to go?
We are all getting older & know this means slower metabolism. But did you know that even if we have slower metabolism due to genetics & aging, there are still things we can do to BOOST it? And this includes something called "NEAT". Get all the details in this episode so you can keep your metabolism FIRED UP!
Do you feel like you can't be HEALTHy with your diet and also have fun? You might be afraid to go on that girl's night because you don't want to sabotage your weight loss goals? I'm here to tell you 5 simple things you can do to make sure you have a balance between healthy nutrition & enjoying life fully! Life is too short to be deprived.
Did you know that sunblock has become CONTROVERSIAL? OMG! What is next? But yes, there is some controversy about it right now and I'm here to do the deep dive into this very topic for you! Let's find out if we should or should not be putting these chemicals on our skin.
I have decided FOMO has a new meaning in today's time! It means Fear Of Missing OZEMPIC! Everyone seems to want to go on these types of drugs because it looks like a FAST & EASY way to lose weight. But I think it's important to understand how the drug works, the side effects & the fact that this drug "used correctly" is not actually so EASY after all. We are doing the deep dive about GLP-1 drugs in this episode & I might say a few things you would not expect!
There is quite a bit of HYPE around eating MORE PROTEIN right now! But is it possible things have gone overboard? Be careful of where you get your nutrition advice team! In this week's podcast episode we do the DEEP DIVE to find out if you can eat TOO MUCH PROTEIN.